Aims and Scope

Mission Statement

To advance and diffuse the knowledge of Advanced Engineering and Business science for the benefit of humanity, and serve the broader Engineering and Business science community, we

  • Provide a welcoming and supportive professional home for an active, engaged, and diverse membership.
  • Advance scientific discovery and research dissemination.
  • Share the excitement of Engineering & Business science and communicate the essential role plays in the modern world.

IJEABS Strategic Plan

The whole organization, encourages innovation and experimentation, and positions IJAEBS to best confront today's significant challenges. 

Our Vision

To excel as a leading Advanced Engineering and Business science society,

We will

  • Be the authoritative advocate for Engineering and Business.
  • Publish world-leading journals in Engineering & Business and related sciences
  • Convene vital meetings, conferences, and workshops
  • Engage and support the next generation of Engineers and Entrepreneurs

Foster equity and inclusion, and increase diversity in all its dimensions